About Springfield Crafts

Who’s the mastermind behind Springfield Crafts?

Anson is his name! Or my name, I should say. I’ve always had interest in woodworking, but never actually picked it up until recently in 2021. After being lost, following others to see if their interest is my interest, I decided to throw all of their “interests” into the bin and look for the first woodworking club. Who would have thought I picked up a woodturning hobby instead! The world has mysterious ways to tie in my collecting hobby with crafting.

Why Springfield Crafts?

Was a long time ago when I watched one of my first and fave anime growing up called Mahou Sensei Negima, and the main character’s last name just stuck to me, Springfield!

Craft, as the name implies, is a vague name I chose because I’d like to expand to just making writing instruments eventually. We’ll see where my woodworking journey expands to :)

How did I get to where I am?

After some searching online on woodworking, I took fancy in these fast spinning machines that made small objects like a door knob and a walnut mug. I was fascinated on this machine, only to dive into a rabbit hole and finally learned that the spinny machine is called a lathe.

A week later, a colleague of mine introduced to a few woodworking clubs when I mentioned briefly of what I saw online. Immediately, during lunch, I contacted a number of clubs and only one of them replied. Boy, was I ecstatic! “I only needed one club", I told myself.

I was immediately showered with welcome and sharing of knowledge as soon as I joined the Prince George Woodturners Guild. Can’t thank enough how awesome everyone was there.

I have to thank Ken for getting me onboard immediately, supplying me with the guild’s spare lathe and tools for me to get started right away, and especially Tim for patiently teaching me the art of turning pens and for me to get addicted to turning.

Shoutout to Rory, Art and Ron from PG Woodturners!

Thanks for reading to the end! Means a lot that you are here to browse through my site and follow my journey :)

To more crafts!!

~ Anson, aka,